The Flipped Classroom, also known as the “inverted classroom”, is a blended learning model in which traditional ideas about classroom activities and homework are reversed, or "flipped." In this model, instructors have students interact with new material for homework first. They then use class time to discuss the new information and put those ideas into practice. True flipped learning is about opening up class time and transforming it into a hands-on, differentiated, and even personalized learning experience.
The flipped classroom approach focuses on ensuring the students have a deeper learning experience with the help of the teachers, who guide them through the material. Students learn their lessons at home and do their homework at school. This allows them to understand the material better because at home they have access to almost any resources they might need. Then, at school, they can discuss everything they didn’t understand, ask questions and ensure they assimilated the whole information.
In the flipped classroom approach, it's what happens in the classroom that matters. True flipped learning turns classroom time into a more individualized experience. Instead of an instructor addressing all students as a group, learners move at their own pace or in small groups to apply their knowledge in hands-on ways; this allows for a more differentiated experience overall.
Project-based learning (PBL) is an approach to teaching through which students are fully immersed in the learning. This module provides essential information and guidelines on designing and delivering PBL programs, fostering an understanding of how to embed PBL in educational programs.
This module will develop the topic of communication with family, discovering the definition of communication and 8 components of communication, communication between family members, 4 types of family communication, the importance of nonverbal communication, the importance of quality communication in everyday situations and amongst family members, reasons to improve communication skills, the impact of technology on family communication and tips for good communication including the characteristics of active listening.
Two of the most important skills in the 21st century include learning to learn, and learning to take different perspectives in order to find healthy solutions to both conflicts and problems in general. This is where memory, imagination, and logical thinking come into play, as some of the most valuable tools for every successful professional to cultivate right now. This module offers a collection of theoretical concepts and practical tools designed to enrich your teaching experience as well as your personal learning journey.
People often assume that creativity is relegated to subjects such as art and drama and overlook its importance in areas in science, social studies, and non-formal training in professional and life skills. In today's postmodern world, change is the only thing for sure and the development of creative capacity can be the key to coping with uncertainty. Learning creative thinking is a useful vehicle for adult learners to polish their abilities and orientate the world around them (Kuan, 2012). Adult educators stand in a unique position in fostering creativity in the classroom and assist learners in transforming their thinking styles with an attitude to think outside the box and play with different ideas.
Education and learning always strive for improvement - that is the reason why traditional learning models are being upgraded with components of interactive learning, online learning tools and social media. Interactive learning is a holistic methodology that has both online and offline components, which together, with the help of online learning tools and social media, make a complete educational experience. The following module will develop the topics of online learning, ICT (information and communication technology), TPCK (technological pedagogical content knowledge), tools for online learning and best practices to implement the latter into classrooms.
When you have taught something, it is natural for you to know how much the students have learned, what level they are at, and what they need to improve. For that reason, we want to look at strategies that you can use to make sure your students are making progress. This module will look at the role of feedback and concepts of self-monitoring in education. We will explore what it is, how it can be beneficial, its limits, and how to implement it.
Culture is shared between and learnt in groups of people bound together by a common history, location, language, religion or social class. Yet, it is multifaceted and dynamic, so there are variations between individuals within cultural groups. The following module explains culturally responsive teaching its importance and relevance.